11 May 2014

Snack Attack

Last Friday, I went to Coles Supermarket during lunch break to buy some snacks for my girls.  I bought these new snacks as I don't want my children to suffer snack fatigue. Some signs that they are getting tired...it's a permanent fixture in the cupboard and their lunch kits and worst...you'll find it in the bin. Hope these won't suffer that fate ha.ha.

Loving Kiss...Part2 #MagnumMini

Three down, two to go and I have tried all the five flavours. Last week, it went on special...yup, 50% off, hooray! The creme brulee was creamy and I love the shards of caramel folded in. Sadly, I didn't feel the sponge pieces in  the Tiramisu as indicated in the box. They've captured the mascarpone flavour perfectly and it had chocolate bits. Maybe, next time I should have more than one piece.  My husband, who's a savoury person loved the Tiramisu though. Looking forward for the remaining variants.