19 May 2013

Homemade Pizza Roll

It's been a busy month of May for me. I needed to do a lot of catching up with work, chores and school since I came back from a half month holiday to Singapore and home.

Anyway, I hope you'll like this recipe. Pizza roll  is getting popular in the Philippines lately. I think I first tried it in 2007 or 2008 at C Italian Restaurant, which was managed by Chef Chris. It is actually a thin square or rectangular pizza sliced diagonally. Then, it is filled with rocket, pesto and alfalfa. Lastly, rolled and eaten like a sandwich wrap.

My husband loves it so much that he requested it for dinner last Sunday. 
Quite reluctant for I'm not a savoury person, he is though. I tried and luckily, it was a success ha.ha.
So here's my version of the pizza roll.

Pizza Crust
Yield: 3 small rectangular pizza

2 1/2 c all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 T dry instant yeast
220-250 ml lukewarm water*
1 1/2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

*I used lukewarm water because it's autumn here. When I'm in the Philippines, room temp water or sometimes slightly cold is used. The warm weather is enough to have a dough temperature of 27-30degC after mixing.


1. Place all dry ingredients together in a  bowl. Start mixing at slow speed to incorporate them.
2. Add oil and gradually pour the water. Do not put all the water at once. Leave approx 15% of the total amount of water.
(Not all flour have the same level of absorption. It is always safe not to put everything).

3. When the dough starts to form together, check if the dough is dry, if it is, add water little by little until it  forms into a ball. The sides of the bowl will appear cleaner.

4. Mix until the dough is developed and appears finer in appearance. If manual kneading is done, this may take 12-15 minutes. Using my kitchen aid, it took me approximately 8-10 minutes. To check if the dough has developed, try getting a small piece of dough and slowly stretch. If it appears opaque, also known as the windowpane test, then it is ready. If it easily tears apart, more kneading is needed.

5. Rest the dough for 20 to 30 mins. Cover with plastic or cling wrap. It will somehow double in volume.

6. After resting, punch the dough to remove the gas. Divide the dough into three pieces.
Using a rolling pin, roll each dough thinly, slightly less than 1/4 inch. Transfer in slightly greased flat tray and dock the crust using a fork.

7. Put desired topping.
8. Bake at 350 deg F or 175 deg F for about 15 mins. or until done. (I didn't bake it at very high temperature because I don't want it to become crispy; Pizza are normally baked at 200 or 220 deg F.)

9. Slice diagonally and serve with rockets/arugula, pesto and alfalfa sprouts.

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